Growing stronger together.
You're welcome here.
UBC Youth is about growing.
Getting involved. Asking questions. Stretching our minds.
Becoming stronger in Christ. Perhaps finding him in the first place.
Wherever you are on your journey, we're ready to meet you there.
Getting involved. Asking questions. Stretching our minds.
Becoming stronger in Christ. Perhaps finding him in the first place.
Wherever you are on your journey, we're ready to meet you there.
UBC Youth Meetings
UBC Youth Sunday School
Sundays 9:15am to 10:15am
We catch up on what's going on in our lives, pray, and dive into the scriptures. Currently, we're doing a survey of the Bible to get a sense of the full biblical epic, from God's creation of the world to the Son's incarnation to the coming new world God is preparing for all who trust in Jesus.
UBC Youth Midweek
Wednesdays 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Our midweek UBC Youth meeting always includes a fun game or activity, often outside if weather permits. The teaching is more topical in nature, focusing on key beliefs, navigating worldviews, tackling tough questions, and ways we can grow stronger in our faith and practice.
At both services, drinks and snacks are always provided, and questions are always welcomed.